

This week’s assignment was to evaluate my school, using the Maturity Model Benchmarks survey.  I was particularly interested in this, as I recently became a member of the school’s technology focus group, made up of about 6-7 people to make recommendations on how technology can be implemented to improve job performance.  As such, this assignment allowed me to consider an even broader array of perspectives, from that of an administrator, student, board member, and more.  Because my school relies so heavily on technology just to function, and has no brick and mortar option, I assumed that the school would meet many of the higher benchmark standards; however, with online education becoming more and more popular, I realized that relying too heavily on the “virtual data-sharing” part of technology can be seen as a detriment.  There are many components to technology, including, for example, cutting edge hardware that can only be found in a science lab setting.

I also noticed that due to the structure of our school, certain technology decisions by our parent company are made which may not be in the best interest of our particular school.  As such, I am looking forward to sharing some of this information with my technology focus group, suggesting that we continue this first step of getting feedback from staff in one department to push for greater independence and influence in determining how technology shapes how each of us, teachers, administrators, and students, are able to play our parts in our school.

Below is the link to my published survey:


I have been having some problems with Scribd, so here is the direct link to the google document:


As this project details extensive technology resource management via and extensive evaluation process including long range planning and problem analysis (evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a school’s technology problem using predefined criteria) using the Maturity Model Benchmarks, this artifact meets the following AECT Standards:

  • Standard 4: Management
    • 4.2 Resource Management
  • Standard 5: Evaluation
    • 5.1 Problem Analysis
    • 5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurment
    • 5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation
    • 5.4 Long-Range Planning